
Joseph 5 Year Anniversary - 2013 Tribute

5 years today since you left. We have had many happy times since your gone. I have more grandchildren. They are such a joy. I wish you could be here to share those joys with us. We miss you so much.


Unknown said...

What a beautiful tribute. Rest in peace, cousin Floyd.

Steve Bogdanoff said...

Thank you for posting. It brought tears to my eyes. The section at 3:12 shows Joseph holding our little Gomez, who has doggy Parkinsons now. I talk about Joseph in meetings all the time. Just mentioned him last week, saying that he told me that I couldn't make human beings my higher power because they are fallible. So, now that Joseph is a heavenly being, he is my higher power for many things. When I don't know what to do about something, I'll ask Joseph what he would have me do. He's still doing service work. Love and peace, Steve