
Sylvain and Angela's Family Veterans

Recognition of WWII and Korean vets last evening at Don’s downtown. Dudley(Cheese) Theriot-Korea and David(Shine) Theriot- Japan from left to right.
From Johnell: This was taken last night at the monthly meeting of the Military Officers of America Association. It is a custom that World War II and Korean War veterans and their spouses are honored for the December meeting. Uncle Howard and I are members of this organization. So we invited Uncle Shine , Aunt Annie, Uncle  Cheese, Aunt Anna, Uncle Jackie and Aunt Sue. When it was time for introductions, I told the group that my mother-in - law was the only mother I knew who had sent 4 sons to 3 wars. I proceeded to mention Uncle Pat who was awarded the Silver Star, the Bronze Star and the Purple Heart for action in World War II. I then introduced Uncle Shine as having served in WW II. And Uncle Cheese for being in the Korean War. Mention was made of Uncle Jackie for being one of the original 300 Peace Corps Volunteers under President Kennedy. I introduced each wife with her husband. I concluded with Uncle Howard for the Viet Nam era .

Uncle Shine

Uncle Cheese

Uncle Pat

Uncle Pat

Uncle Jack

Uncle Howard

From Van's Facebook Post

This was in our local paper today 12/18/17.

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